New in the Department of Computer Science
05/02/2011On April 1, 2011 Prof. Björn Scheuermann became head of the working group Telematics at the chair Computer Science VII (Robotics and Telematics).
Björn Scheuermann was born in Mannheim in 1980. He studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Mannheim from 2000 to 2004. In 2007, he received his dissertation from Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. In the same year, he was guest researcher at the University of Cambridge. In 2008, he was appointed junior professor at the University of Düsseldorf, where he was working until he moved to Würzburg.
The research focus of Björn Scheuermann is in the area of fault-tolerant and self-organized networks and the distributed collection of sensor data. He deals, among others, with networking of cars on the road in order to make - through the exchange of data - car traffic safer and more efficient.
In the upcoming summer term, Björn Scheuermann will give the lecture "Automation and Control Engineering" and a hands-on course on "Measuring and Control Engineering".
Welcome to Würzburg!