Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

New in the Department of Computer Science.


On May 1, 2011 Prof. Frank Steinicke started as Professor for Media Informatics at the Department of Computer Science.

Prof. Steinicke studied Mathematics at the Wilhelm University of Münster from 1997 to 2002. In 2006 he received his dissertation in the area of Visualisation and Computer Graphics from the Department of Computer Science in Münster.

After his dissertation he worked as guest researcher at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Minnesota, U.S.A. In 2010 he received his habilitation from the University of Münster.
The research focus of Prof. Steinicke is in the area of multimedia interfaces between man and computer with a special focus on virtual reality, visual perception, and computer graphics. He investigates how virtual worlds can be explored as easily as possible.

In the upcoming term Prof. Steinicke will give a lecture on "Basics in Media Technology" and a course on "Creating Games".